Genovo Features

Packed full of features designed to save you time, keep you compliant and enhance your brand.

Compliance confidence

Peace of mind that your reports include everything they need to, and the content is being automatically kept up to date for you.

Automatic updates

Report content is immediately updated to reflect changes in taxation and legislation.

View all new tax year updates >

Automatic updates

FCA best practice

Report content is automatically updated to reflect regulatory directives and FCA best practice.

Learn more about how Genovo can help you meet your obligations under the ‘consumer understanding outcome’ of Consumer Duty >

FCA best practice

Intelligent workflows

Intelligent workflows guide the user through the report building process, prompting them to provide the ‘how and why’ required of a compliant suitability report. This allows the writing of more complex reports, than might otherwise have been the case, to be delegated to more junior staff members.

Learn more about intelligent workflows and wizard sections >

Intelligent workflows

Consistent advice outcomes

Pre-approved and centrally managed content helps to promote repeatable processes and more consistent advice outcomes.

Consistent advice outcomes

Risk warnings

Risk Warnings relevant to the recommendations being made are automatically inserted into their own section in the report to give them suitable prominence.

Risk warnings

File checking

A consistent report format containing elements of pre-approved content can significantly speed-up, and even reduce the need for certain elements of the file checking process.

File checking

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