A comprehensive suitability report solution covering over 100 products, as well as multiple client and report types

Summary of sections

Review Sections

Review of existing investments

Product Types

AIM Investment
Business Relief IHT Scheme
Cash ISA
Child Trust Fund
Deposit Account
Direct Equity Investment
Discretionary Managed Portfolio
Endowment Plan
Enterprise Investment Scheme
ETF Investment
Fixed Rate Bond
Friendly Society Regular Savings Plan
General Investment Account
Guaranteed Growth Bond
Guaranteed Income Bond
Help to Buy ISA
Innovative Finance ISA
Investment Trust
Junior ISA
Lifetime ISA
NSI Certificates
NSI Direct Saver
NSI Guaranteed Bond
NSI Income Bond
NSI Investment Account
NSI Premium Bonds
Offshore Investment Bond
Onshore Investment Bond
Peer to Peer Lending
Regular Savings Plan
Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme
Stocks & Shares ISA
Structured Product
Trustee Investment Plan
Unit Trust / OEIC Collective Investment
Venture Capital Trust

Steps / Topics

Plan Summary
* Current Investment Strategy
Current Plan Charges
Recommended Action
Recommended Withdrawal
Recommended Contribution
Revised Plan Charges
Key Disadvantages & Tax Implications
Plan Comparison /
Replacement Business
* Charges Comparison
* Reduction In Yield Comparison
* Performance Comparison

Review of existing pension plans

Product Types

Defined Benefit Pension
Executive Pension
Group Personal Pension
Group Stakeholder Pension
Mastertrust Workplace Pension
Occupational Money Purchase Scheme
Personal Pension
Retirement Annuity
Retirement Trust Scheme
Section 32 Buy Out
Stakeholder Pension

Steps / Topics

Plan Summary
* Current Investment Strategy
Money Purchase Benefits & Features
Current Plan Charges
Recommended Action
Recommended Withdrawal
Recommended Contribution
Revised Plan Charges
DB Pension Death Benefit Considerations
Key Disadvantages & Tax Implications
Plan Comparison /
Replacement Business
* TVC Comparator
* Charges Comparison
* Reduction In Yield Comparison
* Performance Comparison
* Death Benefits Comparison

Review of existing retirement income plans

Product Types

Beneficiary Drawdown
Capped Drawdown
Fixed Term Annuity
Flexi-access Drawdown
Investment-linked annuity
Guaranteed Drawdown
Phased Capped Drawdown
Phased Flexi-access Drawdown

Steps / Topics

Plan Summary
* Current Investment Strategy
Plan Benefits & Features
Current Plan Charges
Recommended Action
Recommended Withdrawal
Recommended Contribution
Revised Plan Charges
Key Disadvantages & Tax Implications
Plan Comparison /
Replacement Business
* Charges Comparison
* Reduction In Yield Comparison
* Performance Comparison
* Death Benefits Comparison

Review of existing protection plans

Product Types

Accident, Sickness & Unemployment
Decreasing Term
Executive Income Protection
Family Income Benefit
Gift Inter Vivos
Income Protection
Key Person Term Assurance
Key Person Income Protection
Level Term
Mortgage Protection Assurance
Partnership Protection Plan
Pension Term Assurance
Relevant Life Plan
Shareholder Protection Plan
Whole of Life

Steps / Topics

Plan Summary
Plan Benefits & Features
Recommended Action

Recommendation Sections

New investment recommendation

Product Types

AIM Investment
Additional Permitted Subscription for ISA
Cash ISA
Deposit Account
Direct Equity Investment
Discretionary Managed Portfolio
Endowment Plan
Enterprise Investment Scheme
Fixed Rate Bond
Friendly Society Regular Savings Plan
General Investment Account
Innovative Finance ISA
Investment Trust
Junior ISA
Lifetime ISA
NSI Direct Saver
NSI Guaranteed Growth Bond
NSI Guaranteed Income Bonds
NSI Income Bonds
NSI Investment Account
NSI Premium Bonds
Offshore Investment Bond
Onshore Investment Bond
Peer to Peer Lending
Purchase Life Annuity
Regular Savings Plan
Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme
Stocks & Shares ISA
Structured Investment Product
Trustee Investment Plan
Unit Trust / OEIC Collective Investment
Venture Capital Trust

Steps / Topics

Plan Summary
Why Product Type
Why Provider / Plan
Plan Charges
Trust Recommendation
* Discount Gift Trust
* Gift Trust
* Loan Trust
* Retained Interest Trust
* Probate Trust
* Retirement Trust
Structured Product Plan Features
Key Disadvantages & Tax Implications
Other Solutions

New pension recommendation

Product Types

Executive Pension
Group Personal Pension
Group Stakeholder Pension
Master Trust Workplace Pension
Personal Pension
Retirement Trust Scheme
Section 32 Buy Out
Stakeholder Pension

Steps / Topics

Plan Summary
Why Product Type
Why Contribution
Why Provider / Plan
Plan Charges
Plan Benefits & Features
Key Disadvantages & Tax Implications
Other Solutions

Drawing benefits from a pension fund

Product Types

Beneficiary Drawdown
Capped Drawdown
Enhanced Annuity
Fixed Term Annuity
Flexi-access Drawdown via a PPP
Flexi-access Drawdown via a SIPP
Guaranteed Drawdown
Guaranteed Lifetime Annuity
Investment-linked Annuity
Phased FAD via a PPP
Phased FAD via a SIPP
Retirement Trust Scheme
Uncrystallised Fund Pension Lump Sum

Steps / Topics

Plan Summary
Why Product Type
Why Withdrawal
Why Provider / Plan
Plan Charges
Annuity Options & Benefits
Income Sustainability
Key Disadvantages & Tax Implications
Other Solutions

New protection recommendation

Product Types

Accident, Sickness & Unemployment
Decreasing Term
Executive Income Protection
Family Income Benefit
Gift Inter Vivos
Group Critical Illness Cover
Group Income Protection
Group Life Insurance
Group PMI
Income Protection
Key Person Income Protection
Key Person Term Assurance
Level Term
Mortgage Protection Assurance
Partnership Protection Plan
Relevant Life Plan
Shareholder Protection Plan
Whole of Life

Steps / Topics

Plan Summary
Why Product Type
Why Provider / Plan
Why Cover Level
Why Term
Plan Benefits & Features
Trust Recommendation
Key Disadvantages
Whole of Life - Basis of Cover

New mortgage recommendation

Product Types

New mortgage
Mortgage Product Transfer
Further Advance
Second Charge Mortgage
Equity Release - Lifetime Mortgage
Equity Release - Home Reversion Plan

Steps / Topics

Recommended Mortgage Details
Mortgage Fees
Current Mortgage Details
Why Mortgage Type
Why Repayment Method
Why Loan Amount
Why Mortgage Term
Why Interest Rate Type
Why Mortgage Product
Why Lender
Key Disadvantages
Equity Release - Other Solutions

Long term care recommendation

Immediate Care Annuity
Deferred Care Annuity

Other Sections


Client Circumstances
Assets & Liabilities and IHT Position
Basis of Advice
Client Objectives
Overview of Existing Provision

Client risk profile

Attitude to Investment Risk
Capacity for Loss
Knowledge & Experience
Investment Preferences and Other Considerations

Recommended investment strategy

Recommended Investment Strategy
Why Investment Strategy
Recommended Investment Strategy Supplementary Info

Risk warnings

Auto-generated advice specific risk warnings

Important information

Adviser Remuneration
Service Proposition and Reviews
Ex-post Costs & Charges Disclosure
Client Classification
Cash Contingency Fund and Affordability
Supporting Information
Other Needs and Planning Considerations
Next Steps

Optional appendices

Plan Comparison
DB Pension TVC / TVAS
Summary of Attitude to Risk Profiles
Glossary of Terms
Product & Tax Information
Technical Information

Other optional sections

Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Client Declaration
Authority to Proceed
Standalone Consolidated Plan Charges
Review of Cashflow Plan
Cashflow Modelling: DB Pension Transfer
Cashflow Modelling: Retirement Planning
Cashflow Modelling: General Planning

Auto-generated Covering Letter

Summary of report and client types

Report Types

Suitability report

Designed to ensure you fulfil all of the regulator's expectations of you when recommending a new product for a new or existing client and / or replacement business.

Review report 2.0

Designed to allow users to provide an existing client with a holistic review of their financial affairs, as well as their existing investments as part of an annual (or more frequent) review service. It has also been designed to meet all the requirements of MiFID II reporting.

Fund switch report

Designed to streamline the process of recommending a change of investment strategy for a client's existing plan(s).

Top-up / Bed & ISA report

Designed to streamline the process of recommending a top-up or bed & ISA of a client's existing plan(s).

Continued suitability report

This is shorter and more product focused than the Review Report 2.0. It has been specifically designed to fulfil the requirements of MiFID II reporting where there has been no change in the client's investment objectives and you solely wish to confirm to the client the on-going suitability of their existing investment(s).

Client Types

Private Client

Includes vulnerable client and Power of Attorney options

Corporate Client

* Limited company
* Partnership
* Limited Partnership
* Charity
* Sole Trader

Trust Client

* Bare trust
* Interest in possession trust
* Discretionary trust
* Accumulation & maintenance trust