Genovo Updates and Enhancements

Genovo Updates and Enhancements

Team Genovo

Here’s a summary of the updates and enhancements we’ve applied to the Genovo suitability report app.


FeatureModuleUpdate / Enhancement
Private Client
Corporate Client
Trustee Client
Client Library
Write / View Report
You can now write reports for corporate and trustee clients.
Change to UIClient Library
Write / View Report
The layout of these pages has been changed to accommodate the above.
You can now add and save further client background information in the client library.Client Library - Add / Edit ClientEach time you write a report for a client, the text in this box will be copied down into the text box included within the Client Background step of the Introduction Section where you'll be able to edit it for that report.
Annual Review ReportWrite ReportYou can now write shortened annual review reports as well as suitability reports. Click here to see how.
Font TypesReport ThemeWe've added a number of new font types. If there's any others you'd like added, drop us a message and we'll get on it straight away.
Investment Strategy TableInvestment Review
Pension Review
Investment Strategy
All columns within this table are now intelligent - empty fields will not be included within a report.
Added / Edited ProvidersProvider LibraryWe've added National Savings and Investments, and updated Scottish Life to Royal London to reflect their recent rebrand.
Text EditorKnow Your Client Info
Snippet Editor
Provider Description
This is now compatible with Internet Explorer 8 and above. Please remember to use the Paste as Plain Text function when pasting text into the text editor. Click here for more info.
Hints & TipsPage Help IconWe've updated a number of the page helps.
Basic Freeflow Text BoxClient Info
Add Advice Option & Reason
Bug fix: If you paste a " or ' character into a text box it will no longer come out as a ? in the report.
Improved PerformanceCreate Report
Client Objectives step - Introduction Section
We've made some changes which have improved response times around these areas. Further improvements will be implemented over the coming weeks.


SectionStep(s)Update / Enhancement
IntroductionClient ObjectivesWe've added 5 new objectives at the bottom to cover:
Executive Income Protection
Key Person Term Assurance Protection
Key Person Income Protection
Shareholder Protection
Partnership Protection

IntroductionExisting ProvisionOnly those sub headings where text has been entered will be included within the report.
Pension ReviewPlan SummaryWe've added the following to the product drop down menu:
Protection ReviewPlan SummaryWe've added the following fields:
Policy Holder
Basis of Claim

Payment Frequency
Protection ReviewPlan SummaryWe've added the following to the product drop down menu:
Executive Income Protection
Key Person Term Assurance
Key Person Income Protection
Partnership Protection Plan
Shareholder Protection Plan
Pension Benefits RecommendationPlan Summary We've added the following to the product drop down menu:
Investment RecommendationPlan SummaryWe've added the following to the product drop down menu:
NS Pensioner Bonds
Investment RecommendationWhy ProductWe've added some new advice reasons which can be used with trustee investments.
Protection RecommendationPlan SummaryWe've added the following fields:
Payment Frequency
Protection RecommendationPlan SummaryWe've added the following to the product drop down menu:
Executive Income Protection
Key Person Term Assurance
Key Person Income Protection
Partnership Protection Plan
Shareholder Protection Plan
Protection RecommendationPlan Features - Life PoliciesWe've added the following field:
Terminal Illness Cover
Protection RecommendationTrustsWe've added the following options to the trust drop down menu:
Discretionary Trust Recommended
Absolute Trust Recommended
Business Trust Recommended
Relevant Life Trust Recommended
No Trust Recommended
No Trust Required
Important InformationAdviser Remuneration1. We've added Review to the Type of Advice drop down menu.
2. You can now select a different Method of Remuneration for initial and annual remuneration.
3. We've updated the options within the Method of Remuneration drop down menu.
4. We've made this table "intelligent". If you do not include information in a field that column wont be displayed in your report.

Report Template Text

SectionSnippetUpdate / Enhancement
Report Title PageTitle Page (Review Report)We've created a new title page for review reports.
Introduction Title & Opening (Suitability Report)We've made some minor changes to the wording.
IntroductionTitle & Opening (Review Report)We've created a new introduction for review reports.
IntroductionClient BackgroundWe've made some minor changes to the wording.
IntroductionObjectives (Limited Advice - Review Report)We've created a new snippet for review reports.
IntroductionExisting ProvisionThis is now a sub heading within the Introduction Section rather than a standalone section. Sorry but any custom changes you've made to the previous Existing Provision snippet wont be copied across.
Protection RecommendationTrustsWe've made some minor changes to the wording.
Important InformationService & Reviews (Review Report)We've created a new snippet for review reports.
Important InformationSupporting InfoWe've made some minor changes to the wording.
Important InformationContingency & Affordability (Corporate Client)We've created a new snippet for corporate reports.
Appendix - Product InformationRelevant Life PolicyWe've updated the wording.
Risk WarningsKey Person Term Assurance
Shareholder / Partnership Protection
Key Person Income Protection
Executive Income Protection
We've added new snippets.
Client DeclarationClient Sign off (Corporate and Trust)We've created a new snippet for corporate and trust reports which caters for multiple signatories.
Appendix - Product InformationNS Pensioner BondsThis new snippet will be automatically included when this product type is selected in the Investment Recommendation section.
Appendix - Product InformationKey Person Income ProtectionThis new snippet will be automatically included when this product type is selected in the Protection Recommendation section.
Appendix - Product InformationExecutive Income ProtectionThis new snippet will be automatically included when this product type is selected in the Protection Recommendation section.
Appendix - Product InformationKey Person Term AssuranceThis new snippet will be automatically included when this product type is selected in the Protection Recommendation section.
Appendix - Product InformationPartnership Protection This new snippet will be automatically included when this product type is selected in the Protection Recommendation section.
Appendix - Product InformationShareholder ProtectionThis new snippet will be automatically included when this product type is selected in the Protection Recommendation section.
Appendix - Product InformationCollective Investments
Collective Investment Taxation (Private Client)
Collective Investment Taxation (Trust Client)
General Investment Account
General Investment Account Taxation (Private Client)
General Investment Account Taxation (Trust Client)
Offshore Investment Bond
Offshore Investment Bond Taxation (Private Client)
Offshore Investment Bond Taxation (Trust Client)
Onshore Investment Bond
Onshore Investment Bond Taxation (Private Client)
Onshore Investment Bond Taxation (Trust Client)
We've updated these snippets and added some new ones to accommodate trustee investment recommendations.
Appendix - Glossary of TermsProtection ProductsWe've updated this snippet.

Please remember the changes we make to the report template will only take effect in your reports automatically if the Genovo version of the snippet is selected as active in your Report Content Manager (it is by default).  For more information about the Report Content Manager and updating of snippets check out our knowledge base.

Let us know what you think

If you’ve got any suggestions – no matter how big or small – as to how we can improve Genovo or there’s a new feature you’d like to see added, we’d love to hear from you. Send us a message with your thoughts and we promise we’ll get back to you.

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