We have liftoff! Genovo v2 is now officially live.

We have liftoff! Genovo v2 is now officially live.

Ed Evans

Never having been ones to ‘let the grass grow under our feet’, a while back, we set ourselves a mission to be the best at what we do.

In short, we wanted to realise a comprehensive and fully-integrated solution that would allow our users to create highly personalised, reader-friendly and compliant reports in a fraction of the time it takes when using more traditional methods like Word templates. We knew from the feedback we frequently receive that we were well on the way to realising our ambition and lots of users thought Genovo was great, but we also knew it could be better!

Fast forward two years and we’re very excited to officially announce the launch of Genovo v2.

We still haven’t fully realised our mission – Rome wasn’t built in two years! But Genovo v2 represents a significant investment in the future, for both us and for you, our users; as well as an important milestone on this journey. In summary, we have:

  • Completely re-architected the technology that underpins Genovo to ensure we can continue to provide all our users with a highly performant, scalable, and secure platform for many years to come.
  • Given the user interface a ‘visual refresh’ in line with modern UI and UX trend, whilst remaining instantly recognisable and very familiar to navigate for existing users.
  • Added a truckload of new features and enhanced functionality to aid productivity, enhance the look and feel of your reports, and fix the less intuitive aspects of some of the v1 workflows.

An overview of all the new features you’ll find in v2 is provided below (Spoiler Alert – there’s a lot!). We’ve also got a pipeline of further new features waiting in the wings which will be released over the coming months as we continue to drive forward and realise our ambition in full. Please watch this space for further details….


  • A pop-out sidebar has been added to enable users to quickly navigate around the Genovo app. You can pin the sidebar, so it remains collapsed, using the arrow key towards the top.
  • The query that drives the ‘Recent Activity’ panel has been enhanced and extended to accurately display the last twenty reports the logged in user has created or edited.


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Account admin

Your company details

Two-factor authentication / Manage users


Client & report library

  • New layout to help you view and manage your clients and their reports more easily.
  • Option to toggle between a list / tile view.
  • New fields provide greater transparency to see who did what and when.
  • Filter and sort clients and reports by any of the column headings.

Want to find out more? Watch the video tutorial >>

Investment library

  • New fields provide greater transparency to see who did what and when.
  • Filter and sort investments by any of the column headings.
  • New one-way share functionality.
  • New functionality to bulk delete investments.

Want to find out more? Watch the video tutorial >>

Provider library

  • New fields provide greater transparency to see who did what and when.
  • Filter and sort providers by any of the column headings.
  • New one-way share functionality.
  • Create a new custom provider by cloning an existing provider.
  • New specialist equity release providers added.

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Report template library

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Advice options & reasons library

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Report content manager

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Report section manager

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Attitude to risk profiles

Report theme

Report title page image

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Report Builder

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Section wizards


  • Anchored breadcrumbs and previous / next buttons enhances the user experience and facilitates faster navigation.
  • Auto inserted currency / monetary symbols and numerical comma separators (we know this has been a bugbear for a number of our users!)
  • Consistent numerical formats: Percentages and monetary values always display to 3 and 2 decimal places respectively.


  • Option to ‘add objectives as freetext’ in the Review of Client Objectives step, just as you can in the the Client Objectives step.
  • Given there is no specific FCA directive to include the date a Client Agreement was signed in a suitability report, the Regulatory Dates step has been removed.

Want to find out more? Watch the video tutorial >>

Client risk profile

  • Brand new section automatically included in all reports, containing all risk profile-related steps.
  • Attitude to Investment Risk step has been moved into this section from the Recommended Investment Strategy section.
  • Review of Attitude to Investment Risk step has been moved into this section from the Introduction section.
  • Capacity for Loss step has been moved into this section from the Recommended Investment Strategy section.
  • Knowledge & Experience step has been moved into this section from the Introduction section.
  • Brand new Investment Preferences & Other Considerations step.

Want to find out more? Watch the video tutorial >>

Review sections

Plan Summary step

  • Easily change the order plans show in the section using drag and drop handles.
  • Add multiple plans from a back office system at once using enhanced ‘add plans from CRM’ functionality.
  • The ‘Top-up Amount’ field has been moved from this step into the Recommended Contribution step (see below).
  • Auto-generated Current Investment Strategy name on creation.

Current Plan Charges step

  • Revamped step with charges split into four categories.
  • Charges can be entered as percentage or monetary value.
  • Auto-calculated monetary charges which can be overwritten if required.
  • Updated and enhanced formulas used to calculate monetary charges.
  • Include any further information regarding plan charges in a new text box added at the bottom of the step.

Recommended Action step

  • Select multiple ‘recommended actions’ for a plan.
  • As a result, nested ‘recommended actions’ e.g. “top up and switch the underling investments of” have been archived, and will only show where they have been selected for a plan in reports / report templates created in v1.

Recommended Withdrawal step

  • Include the new or revised withdrawal being taken from a plan in this new conditional step.

Recommended Contribution step

  • Include the new or revised contribution being made to a plan in this new conditional step.
  • A ‘Top-up Amount’ entered for a plan in the Plan Summary step in v1 will now show in this step.

Revised Plan Charges step

  • New step introduced to assist with the ‘consumer understanding’ and ‘price and value’ outcomes of Consumer Duty.
  • Clearly demonstrates the impact a new ‘recommended action’ will have on the plan’s charges moving forward.
  • Option to also include ‘Initial one-off charges’ when a top-up or revised contribution is being recommended.
  • Time-saving option to copy across the plan’s charges from the Current Plan Charges step.
  • Auto-calculated monetary charges which can be overwritten if required.

Plan Comparison: Investment Strategy Charges step

  • A comparison of a plan’s charges following a change of investment strategy can now be covered off comprehensively within the new Revised Plan Charges step, and hence this step has been removed.

Plan Comparison: Reduction in Yield

  • User feedback suggested the 2x ‘Required Growth %’ fields were confusing and rarely completed, and hence they have been removed.

Want to find out more about how to complete a review section? Watch the video tutorial >>

Investment and pension-related recommendation sections

Plan Summary step

Plan Charges step

  • Revamped step with charges split into four categories.
  • Charges can be entered as percentage or monetary value.
  • Auto-calculated monetary charges which can be overwritten if required.
  • Updated and enhanced formulas used to calculate monetary charges.
  • Include any further information regarding charges in a new text box added at the bottom of the step.

Want to find out more about how to complete a recommendation section? Watch the video tutorial >>

Mortgage Recommendation section

  • Extended to include equity release recommendations. As a result, the Equity Release Static Template section has been removed from the Report Builder.
  • Lifetime Mortgage and Home Reversion Plan have been added to the ‘Mortgage Type’ field.
  • New Why Home Reversion Plan step.
  • New Why Lifetime Mortgage step.
  • New Why Loan Amount step.
  • New Equity Release – Other Solutions step.

Recommended Investment Strategy section

Want to find out more about how to complete this section? Watch the video tutorial >>

Important Information

  • The Costs & Charges Disclosure step has been renamed Ex-post Costs & Charges Disclosure and only includes one field now relating to how ex-post charges disclosure should be dealt with in the report. Ex-ante charges (current and revised) now come out in the review sections for all Report Types as standard.
  • You can now customise the options that show in the Client Classification step via the Advice Options & Reasons Library.

Want to find out more about how to complete this section? Watch the video tutorial >>

Summary of Wizard Section Steps Matrix

The Summary of Wizard Section Steps Matrix has been updated to reflect the changes outlined above. It provides an overview of the steps included in each wizard section for each Report Type in v2.

Consolidated Plan Charges *Standalone Alternative* section

This is a brand new section that you can add into the Report Builder to provide a consolidated view of all plan charges related content in one dedicated section in your report.

Report output

A number of changes have been made to the report output to facilitate the new features highlighted above, and a detailed summary of all snippet changes is included at the bottom of this post. Some of the more notable changes are:

  • An updated Executive Summary section;
  • A new Client Risk Profile section;
  • New tables that clearly highlight any new or revised contributions being made to, or withdrawals being taken from an existing plan; and
  • New and revamped Plan Charges tables in the review and recommendation sections.
  • The automatic inclusion of the existing plan’s charges in the Impact of recommended alternative plan – Recurring annual charges table in the Plan Comparison section.

Executive Summary section

The Executive Summary section has been remodelled to provide an overview of the pertinent information that the client really needs to know, including:

  • Key information about the plans being reviewed and recommended.
  • A high-level summary of the investment strategy(s) being recommended.
  • A summary of the cost of the advice and service provided.

Client Risk Profile section

All content relating to a client’s attitude to risk, capacity for loss and knowledge & experience will now be included in a dedicated standalone section.

New or revised contribution / withdrawal tables

A recommendation for a new or revised contribution to be made to an existing plan, or a new or revised withdrawal to be taken from an existing plan will be summarised within a table in the review section.

Plan charges tables

The plan charges tables have been remodelled to provide the client with a more granular view of the charges affecting a plan, in a format they can easily understand.

Impact of recommended alternative plan – Recurring annual charges table

To provide context and aid comparison, the total annual recurring charge of the existing plan(s) being replaced will be automatically included in the table inserted into the Plan Comparison section.

Steps / Advice Options & Reasons

A summary of all the steps that have been updated is provided below.

Where categories have been added to a step, we would recommend that you pop into the Advice Options & Reasons Library and assign a category to any custom options you’ve previously added to the step.

We would also recommend you step through all the sections of the active report templates saved in your Report Template Library. You will need to review and potentially update the content in any existing steps that have been updated, and add content into any new steps that are triggered.

IntroductionClient Objectives
Review of Client Objectives
Categories have been added to these steps.
Client Risk ProfileCapacity for LossThis step has been moved from the Recommended Investment Strategy section.
Client Risk ProfileKnowledge & ExperienceThis step has been moved from the Introduction section.
Client Risk ProfileInvestment Preferences & Other ConsiderationsThis is a new step.
Review of Your Existing Pension Plans
Review of Your Existing Retirement Income Plans
Review of Your Existing Investments
Recommended ActionNested recommended actions have been archived.
Review of Your Existing Pension Plans
Review of Your Existing Retirement Income Plans
Review of Your Existing Investments
Key Disadvantages & Tax ImplicationsCategories have been added to these steps.
Mortgage RecommendationWhy Lifetime Mortgage
Why Home Reversion Plan
Why Loan Amount
Equity Release - Other Solutions
These are new steps
Mortgage RecommendationWhy Remortgage
Why Mortgage Product Transfer
Why Further Advice
Why Second Charge Mortgage
Why Repayment Method
Why Mortgage Product
Why Lender
Key Disadvantages
Categories have been added to these steps.
New Pension Recommendation
Drawing Benefits from Your Pension Fund
New Investment Recommendation
Why Product Type
Why Provider / Plan
Key Disadvantages & Tax Implications
Categories have been added to these steps.
New Pension RecommendationWhy ContributionCategories have been added to this step.
Drawing Benefits from Your Pension FundWhy WithdrawalCategories have been added to this step.
New Protection RecommendationWhy Provider / Plan
Why Cover Level
Why Term
Key Disadvantages
Categories have been added to these steps.
Recommended Investment StrategyRecommended Investment Strategy ReasonsCategories have been added to this step.
Recommended Investment StrategyRecommended Investment Strategy Supplementary InformationThis is a new step.
Important InformationService Proposition and ReviewsThis step uses an HTML Editor which means you can now add fully formatted content into this step.
Important InformationClient ClassificationThis is now a standard Advice Option step.
Important InformationCash Contingency Fund & Affordability
Next Steps
Next Steps and Action required
Categories have been added to these steps.


A summary of all the snippets that have been updated is provided below.

Please remember the changes we have made to these snippets will only take effect in your reports if the Genovo version of the snippet is selected as ‘active’ (it is by default). We’ve added new functionality to the Report Content Manager to help you view and manage your custom snippets. It will also help you identify those snippets you will want to review and potentially update.

Report Type(s)Section(s)Snippet NameUpdate
AllReport Title PageTitle PageThe {ReportTitleFooter} tag has been inserted.
Suitability ReportExecutive SummaryTitle & OpeningThe {Sum_InvStratTables} has been inserted.
Suitability ReportExecutive SummaryCost of AdviceThis is a new snippet.
Suitability ReportExecutive SummaryRecurring RemunerationThis is a new snippet.
Suitability ReportIntroductionTitle & OpeningThe paragraph relating to the dates of regulatory documents has been removed.
Suitability ReportIntroductionATR & CFL Alternative PlaceholderThis snippet has been deactivated and will be archived.
Review Report 2.0
Continued Suitability Report
Fund Switch Report
Top-up / Bed & ISA Report
IntroductionReview of ATRThis snippet has been deactivated and will be archived.
Review Report 2.0IntroductionReview of ObjectivesThe content of this snippet has been updated.
AllClient Risk ProfileSection Page Break
These are new snippets.
Suitability ReportClient Risk ProfileATR & Capacity for LossThis snippet has been moved from the Recommended Investment Strategy section.
Review Report 2.0
Continued Suitability Report
Fund Switch Report
Top-up / Bed & ISA Report
Client Risk ProfileReview Risk Profile TitleThis is a new snippet.
Review Report 2.0
Continued Suitability Report
Fund Switch Report
Top-up / Bed & ISA Report
Client Risk ProfileReview ATR - Tool Used
Review ATR - No Tool Used
Review ATR - Description
These snippets have been moved from the Introduction section.
Review Report 2.0
Top-up / Bed & ISA Report
Client Risk ProfileReview Capacity for LossThis is a new snippet.
Suitability Report
Review Report 2.0
Client Risk ProfileKnowledge & Experience This snippet has been moved from the Introduction section.
Suitability Report
Review Report 2.0
Client Risk ProfileInvestment Preferences & Other ConsiderationsThis is a new snippet.
AllReview of Your Existing InvestmentsCurrent Plan Charges
Plan Charges Assumptions
Recommended Action
The content of these snippets has been updated.
Suitability Report
Review Report 2.0
Top-up / Bed & ISA Report
Review of Your Existing InvestmentsRecommended Withdrawal
Recommended Contribution
These are new snippets.
Suitability Report
Review Report 2.0
Fund Switch Report
Top-up / Bed & ISA Report
Review of Your Existing InvestmentsRevised Plan ChargesThis is a new snippet.
Suitability Report
Review Report 2.0
Top-up / Bed & ISA Report
Review of Your Existing InvestmentsCumulative Effect of ChargesThe sort order of this snippet has been updated.
AllReview of Your Existing Pension PlansCurrent Plan Charges
Plan Charges Assumptions
Recommended Action
The content of these snippets has been updated.
Suitability Report
Review Report 2.0
Top-up / Bed & ISA Report
Review of Your Existing Pension PlansRecommended Contribution
Carry Forward
These are new snippets.
Suitability Report
Review Report 2.0
Fund Switch Report
Top-up / Bed & ISA Report
Review of Your Existing Pension PlansRevised Plan ChargesThis is a new snippet.
Suitability Report
Review Report 2.0
Top-up / Bed & ISA Report
Review of Your Existing Pension PlansCumulative Effect of ChargesThe sort order of this snippet has been updated.
AllReview of Your Existing Retirement Income PlansCurrent Plan Charges
Plan Charges Assumptions
Recommended Action
The content of these snippets have been updated.
Suitability Report
Review Report 2.0
Top-up / Bed & ISA Report
Review of Your Existing Retirement Income PlansRecommended Contribution
Carry Forward
These are new snippets.
Suitability Report
Review Report 2.0
Fund Switch Report
Top-up / Bed & ISA Report
Review of Your Existing Retirement Income PlansRevised Plan ChargesThis is a new snippet.
Suitability Report
Review Report 2.0
Top-up / Bed & ISA Report
Review of Your Existing Retirement Income PlansCumulative Effect of ChargesThe sort order of this snippet has been updated.
Suitability Report
Review Report 2.0
New Pension RecommendationPlan ChargesThe {RPRC_ChargesTextBox} tag has been inserted.
Suitability Report
Review Report 2.0
New Pension RecommendationPlan Charges AssumptionsThis is a new snippet.
Suitability Report
Review Report 2.0
New Pension RecommendationAggregated Total Charge - lump sum and regular contributions
Aggregated Total Charge - just lump sum
These snippets have been deactivated and will be archived.
Suitability Report
Review Report 2.0
Drawing Benefits from Your Pension FundPlan ChargesThe {PBRC_ChargesTextBox} tag has been inserted.
Suitability Report
Review Report 2.0
Drawing Benefits from Your Pension FundPlan Charges AssumptionsThis is a new snippet.
Suitability Report
Review Report 2.0
Drawing Benefits from Your Pension FundAggregated Total ChargeThis snippet has been deactivated and will be archived.
Suitability Report
Review Report 2.0
New Investment RecommendationPlan ChargesThe {IRC_ChargesTextBox} tag has been inserted.
Suitability Report
Review Report 2.0
New Investment RecommendationPlan Charges AssumptionsThis is a new snippet.
Suitability Report
Review Report 2.0
New Investment RecommendationAggregated Total Charge - lump sum and regular contributions
Aggregated Total Charge - just lump sum
These snippets have been deactivated and will be archived.
AllConsolidated Plan ChargesAllThese are new snippets for a new section.
Suitability ReportMortgage RecommendationWhy Lifetime Mortgage
Why Home Reversion Plan
Why Loan Amount
Mortgage Offer (Equity Release)
Important Information (Equity Release)
Alternative Solutions (Equity Release)
These are new snippets.
Suitability ReportRecommended Investment StrategySection TitleThe content of this snippet has been updated.
Suitability ReportRecommended Investment StrategyYour Risk Profile TitleThis snippet has been deactivated and will be archived.
Review Report 2.0
Fund Switch Report
Top-up / Bed & ISA Report
Recommended Investment StrategySection TitleThe content of this snippet has been updated.
Suitability ReportRecommended Investment StrategyRecommended Investment Strategy Table & Reasons WhyThe content of this snippet has been updated.
Suitability Report
Review Report 2.0
Fund Switch Report
Top-up / Bed & ISA Report
Recommended Investment StrategyCharges ComparisonThis snippet has been deactivated and will be archived.
Suitability Report
Review Report 2.0
Fund Switch Report
Top-up / Bed & ISA Report
Important InformationCost of Advice and ServiceThe content of this snippet has been updated.
Suitability Report
Review Report 2.0
Fund Switch Report
Top-up / Bed & ISA Report
Important InformationRecurring RemunerationThis is a new snippet.
Review Report 2.0
Continued Suitability Report
Important InformationSummary of Charges Title
Ex-ante Signpost to Charges Statement
Ex-ante Plan Charges (investments)
Ex-ante Plan Charges (pensions)
These snippets have been deactivated and will be archived.
Suitability ReportRisk WarningsEquity releaseThis snippet has been deactivated and will be archived.
Suitability ReportRisk WarningsLifetime mortgage
Home Reversion Plan
These are new snippets.
Suitability Report
Review Report 2.0
Appendix - Plan ComparisonImpact of Recommended Alternative Plan – Annual ChargesThe content of this snippet has been updated.
Suitability Report
Review Report 2.0
Appendix - Plan ComparisonImpact of Recommended Alternative Investment Strategy
Required Growth Text
These snippets have been deactivated and will be archived.

Written by Ed Evans

Ed heads up operations at Genovo, and makes sure everything runs like clockwork! He's been involved, in one capacity or another, in writing suitability reports for over 25 years. Having worked for several years as an in-house paraplanner and then an IFA for Sedgwick Financial Consultants in London, he set up one of the first outsourced paraplanning companies in the country in 2003. Then in 2006 Ed had a eureka moment to combine his knowledge and experience of financial services with his love of technology and he designed and helped bring to market the first online suitability report builder (Paraplanning Online). He left Paraplanning Online in 2012 and set about building the next generation suitability report builder – Genovo.

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