Genovo Suitability Report New Features & Updates March 2018

Genovo Suitability Report New Features & Updates March 2018

Team Genovo

Here’s a summary of the new updates and features you’ll discover the next time you log in to the Genovo suitability report app.


ModuleFeatureUpdate / Enhancement
Plan Charges Disclosure Aggregated Total Charge CalculationThe formulas that are used to automatically calculate the ATC in monetary terms have been tweaked to take into account:
1. The total amount being invested in the plan over the next 12 months (including regular contributions).
2. The initial charge in £, which is now deducted before the recurring annual charge is calculated.
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Plan Charges DisclosureAggregated Total Charge output in recommendation sectionsThe heading of the ATC column has been changed from "Aggregated Total Charge" to "Aggregated Total Initial Charge in Year 1" and "Aggregated Total Recurring Charge in Year 1" to more closely reflect the approach providers are taking to their MiFID II charges disclosure.
Plan Charges DisclosureA new total Aggregated Total Charge row in report outputA new row has been added at the bottom of the Plan Charges tables in the review and recommendation sections that auto-calculates the total ATC for all plans included.
Investment Strategies (IS)The Recommended IS and Current IS functionality has been extended.Recommended IS's created in the Investment Strategy section of a report will now also show in the Current IS drop-down menu for existing plans in any review sections of the same report.
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Investment StrategiesPercentage and monetary valuesA % and any required monetary symbol will be automatically inserted alongside values shown in all investment strategy tables.
1. Investment Library
2. Current Investment Strategy
3. Recommended Investment Strategy
2 new fields have been added:
Transaction Costs
Incidental Costs
These fields have been added as "intelligent" fields and provide you with the option to drill down further and provide a granular view of the charges impacting each fund / investment. The Weighted Average Charge will be auto-calculated in the usual way if a charge and allocation % (totalling 100%) is provided for each investment.
Review sectionsThe Weighted Average Charge (WAC) of a plan's Current Investment StrategyA fancy new short-cut has been added that means if a WAC can be auto-calculated for any of the following fields:
- AMC %
- TER %
- OCF %
- DFM Charge %
- Transaction Costs %
- Incidental Costs %

Then it will be carried across and automatically inserted in the corresponding field in the Plan Charges step for that plan.
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Client LibraryNew "intelligent" fields for a Private ClientThe following new optional fields have been added:
- Desired Retirement Age
- Net Monthly Disposable Income
- Power of Attorney Granted?
- Attorney Name

(When completed the report will be automatically addressed to *Attorney Name* as Attorney for *Client Name*)
- UK Resident for Tax?
- UK Domiciled?
Investment LibraryNew "Unique Identifier" field added.This is a new optional field (that wont come out in your reports) but will allow you to differentiate between funds / investments by adding the ISIN, SEDOL, or your own descriptive name. This could be particularly useful when you want to differentiate between multiple classes of the same fund, or the same fund held on different platforms.
Attitude to Risk LibraryDistribution Technology Dynamic Planner ATR profilesThese risk profiles were updated on 31/1/18 in line with info. received from DT.
Provider LibraryProvider DescriptionsThe standard advantages / disadvantages text of all of the wrap / platform providers has been reviewed and updated.
TagsA new "Writer User" tag has been created. The tag is {ReportCreatedBy}This can be used to pull through the name of the report's author into a report. This will be particularly useful for accounts with Writer and Reader Users who wish to display the name of both the paraplanner who wrote the report and the adviser on the report title page for example.
Advice Options & Reasons LibraryPreselection of advice reasons in Recommend Actions step of the review sectionsThere was a bug which meant that when multiple plans were reviewed, the pre-selected advice reasons were repeated multiple times in the report. This has now been fixed.
General securityTimeout warning pop-up box after 35 mins of inactivity.The Genovo app has always auto-timed out after 45 mins. However, we have now extend this to include an onscreen warning. This will also act as a useful reminder to save your work if you've been entering data into a step for a little while and haven't clicked the next (save) button.
Automatic emailsSign up email
New user added email
Cancellation email
The look and feel of these emails have been updated to ensure consistency of branding.

Section Wizards

Section(s)Step(s)Update / Enhancement
1. Investment Review
2. Pension Review
3. Retirement Income Review
4. New Investment Recommendation
5. New Pension Recommendation
6. Drawing Benefits from Your Pension Fund
Plan ChargesThe titles of the following fields have been changed for greater clarity and to bring them more in line with typical MiFID II terminology:
- "Platform Charge" to "Platform Service Charge".
- "Underlying Investment Charge"
to "Investment Management Charge"

The display order of the charges has also been revised as follows:
Product Charge
Platform Service Charge
Adviser Service Charge
Investment Management Charge
Transaction Charges
Other Charges
Aggregated Total Charge
1. Investment Review
2. Pension Review
3. Retirement Income Review
Plan Comparison - Reduction in YieldThe title of the following field has been changed for greater clarity and to avoid confusion with the CY associated with drawdown:
- "Critical Yield %" to "Required Growth % (Adviser Charge Included)".
And a new "intelligent" field has also been added "Required Growth % (No Adviser Charge Included)"
Protection ReviewPlan SummaryThe following new "intelligent" fields have been added:
- Start Date
- End Date
- In Trust?
Protection ReviewRecommended ActionThe name of the recommended action Cancel has been changed to Cancel and replace for greater clarity.
Protection ReviewRecommended ActionThe following recommended action has been added for use with WOL plans:
- switch the underlying investments of
Mortgage RecommendationAllThe advice reasons have been reviewed, edited and added to.
Mortgage RecommendationMortgage FeesThis is a new step where you can provide further details of any fees associated with the recommended new mortgage.
Mortgage RecommendationMortgage Fees Payment MethodThis is a new step where you can confirm how the fees will be paid.
Mortgage RecommendationCurrent Mortgage Details This is a new step where you can include details of the client's existing mortgage when a remortgage or mortgage product transfer is selected in the Mortgage Type field in the New Mortgage Details table.
Mortgage RecommendationWhy Mortgage Product TransferThis is new step where you can confirm why you have recommended a mortgage product transfer.
Mortgage RecommendationNew Mortgage DetailsThe name of the following field has been changed from "Early Repayment Terms" to "Early Redemption Charge"

Report Content Manager

SectionSnippet NameUpdate / Enhancement
IntroductionTitle & Opening (Suitability Report)The format of how the regulatory dates will be displayed in this snippet has changed from "24/01/2018" to "24 January 2018".
1. New Investment Recommendation
2. New Pension Recommendation
3. Drawing Benefits from Your Pension Fund
Plan ChargesThe wording of these snippets has been slightly edited.
1. Pension Review
2. Retirement Income Plans Review
3. Investment Review
4. New Investment Recommendation
5. New Pension Recommendation
6. Drawing Benefits from Your Pension Fund
Aggregated Total ChargeThe wording has been updated to reflect the new calculation methodology.
1. Investment Recommendation
2. Pension Recommendation
3. Drawing Benefits from Your Pension Fund
Plan Charges Further InfoThese are new blank snippets where you can add any further info. that you'd like to include within your template e.g. a cumulative effect of charges table, or additional explanatory wording etc
Mortgage RecommendationMortgage Fees
Fees Added
Fees Paid Upfront
These are new snippets associated with the new Mortgage Fees steps.
Mortgage RecommendationCurrent Mortgage DetailsThis is a new snippet associated with the new Current Mortgage Details step.
Mortgage RecommendationExisting Mortgage Details (ARCHIVED)This snippet has been deactivated as it has now been superseded by the above.
Mortgage RecommendationWhy Mortgage Product TransferThis is a new snippet associated with the new Why Mortgage Product Transfer step.
Mortgage RecommendationWhy Mortgage Product Transfer (ARCHIVED)This snippet has been deactivated as it has now been superseded by the above.
Appendix - Plan ComparisonPension Review Charges
Retirement Income Review Charges
Investment Review Charges
Pension Recommendation Charges
Pension Benefits Charges
Investment Recommendation Charges
The wording of these snippets has been slightly edited.
Appendix - Plan ComparisonImpact of Recommended AlternativeThe wording of this snippet has been reviewed and updated.
Appendix - Plan ComparisonRequired Growth TextThe wording of this snippet has been updated to reflect the move away from the term "Critical Yield" to "Required Growth Rate".
Appendix - Product InformationCritical Illness InsuranceThis is a new snippet that will be triggered when the option of "Recommended and included" is selected for CIC in the Plan Features - Life Policies step of the New Protection Recommendation section.
Appendix - Technical InformationLasting Power of AttorneyThis is a new snippet that will get triggered when the following advice reason is selected for Wills and Lasting Power of Attorney in the Other Needs and Shortfalls of the Important Information section:
- "It would be prudent to set up and register a Lasting Power of Attorney..."

Please remember the changes we make to the report template will only take effect in your reports automatically if the Genovo version of the snippet is selected as active in your Report Content Manager (it is by default).  For more information about the Report Content Manager and updating of snippets check out this video tutorial.

Let us know what you think

If you’ve got any suggestions – no matter how big or small – as to how we can improve Genovo or there’s a new feature you’d like to see added, we’d love to hear from you. Send us a message with your thoughts and we promise we’ll get back to you.

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