How to write a basic suitability report recommending the bed and ISA of a client’s existing investment

How to write a basic suitability report recommending the bed and ISA of a client’s existing investment

Ed Evans

IMPORTANT – This user tip relates to an older version of Genovo. Although much of the content and many of the concepts still apply to the current version of Genovo, the screenshots and some instructions may no longer be accurate.

Given the time of year it seemed appropriate in this month’s user tip to look at how you can quickly (in less than 10 mins!) and effectively write a suitability report confirming the recommendation for the bed and ISA of a client’s existing investment (most likely a GIA or collective investment) within Genovo.

A bed and ISA can be covered in a variety of Report Types in Genovo including the Suitability Report or the Review Report 2.0. However, if this is literally all you’re recommending then selecting the Top-up / Bed and ISA report type will streamline the report writing process and result in a more concise and reader-friendly report covering all of the pertinent points.

Knowledge Base

For a step-by-step guide to writing a bed and ISA report in Genovo check out the following article from our Knowledge Base.

How do I write a basic suitability report recommending the bed and ISA of a client’s existing investment?

Report Template Library

What’s more, we’ve also added a brand new template ‘Genovo Example: Bed & ISA GIA’ to the Report Template Library to save you having to reinvent the wheel, and help you write your bed and ISA reports even quicker.

I hope that proves useful and helps ease your tax year end burden. As always, if you’ve got any questions regarding the content  covered in this month’s user tip blog please don’t hesitate to get in touch by submitting a support ticket and  we’ll get straight back to you.

Further Reading

You’ll find lots of useful information about Genovo in our Knowledge Base or by clicking on the links below.

Overview of the different report types

The Report Template Library

What is the difference between the 3 methods you can use to create a report?

Make sure you don’t miss any of our hints & tips – subscribe and get email alerts when we update our blog.

Written by Ed Evans

Ed heads up operations at Genovo, and makes sure everything runs like clockwork! He's been involved, in one capacity or another, in writing suitability reports for over 25 years. Having worked for several years as an in-house paraplanner and then an IFA for Sedgwick Financial Consultants in London, he set up one of the first outsourced paraplanning companies in the country in 2003. Then in 2006 Ed had a eureka moment to combine his knowledge and experience of financial services with his love of technology and he designed and helped bring to market the first online suitability report builder (Paraplanning Online). He left Paraplanning Online in 2012 and set about building the next generation suitability report builder – Genovo.

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